The Sabbath Hoax

The calendar of Creation the month begins with New Moon! 

The biblical calendar is lunar and not a solar calendar. The lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon. 

It is not possible to find the true seventh day Sabbath using the modern day Gregorian calendar. This solar calendar is nothing more than a pagan method of time calculation. It is founded on paganism and has no connection to the biblical calendar. 

The Sabbath can only be found using the Luni-Solar Biblical Calendar that was created during Creation by the Most High. If you are using the Gregorian Calendar to calculate the Sabbath day you will never have the correct day.

The Biblical Calendar is backed by scripture. It is imperative to use the Biblical Luni-Solar Calendar because having the wrong Sabbath day is a sin.

For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it. James 2:10

You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace. Galatians 5:4 

The word "seasons" translated in this scripture is the Hebrew word "Moedim,"
 which means "Appointed times." 

Scripture states that the moon was created specifically to measure times for worship. 
"He appointed [created] the moon for seasons [worship times]." (Psalm 104:19) 
Creation week ended with a Sabbath day's rest. Which is day one?

The Moon is pretty much considered a universal clock throughout history...

The full moon falls on a different day each month, and since the New Moon day (start of the month) can happen on any day the true Biblical Sabbath is not Saturday, but depends upon the lunar cycle. This fact proves the Sabbath is not on a fixed day Saturday. The Sabbath was not on Saturday during the time that Jesus walked the earth. Calling Saturday the Sabbath, is man-made.

New Moon Day Separate from the 6 Work Days and the Seventh-Day Sabbath!

New Moon day is not counted as one of the 6 working days neither is it the seventh-day Sabbath; The day of the new moon day starts the month as day 1 making the weekly Sabbaths to fall on 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th of the lunar month.

Shalom Saturday is not the Sabbath...

The Gregorian Calendar which we use today, with its months from January to December, has nothing to do with God’s Calendar. 

The Biblical Calendar depends on the Moon to calculate the beginning of the month. A complete revolution of the Moon is considered a Month in the Biblical Calendar.The Bible does not give days names!! The day is referred to as the time from sunset to sunset.

The Sabbath Hoax!

Can you tell me where I can find January to December in the scriptures? Or Monday to Sunday? The Jewish calendar is lunar and not a solar calendar. The lunar Calendar is based on the cycles of the Moon. It is not possible to find the true seventh day Sabbath using the modern day Gregorian calendar. This solar calendar is nothing more than a pagan method of time calculation. It is founded on paganism and has no connection to the biblical calendar. 

Sabbath and New Moon (Rosh Hodesh), both periodically recurring in the course of the year. The New Moon is still, and the Sabbath originally was, dependent upon the lunar cycle. Both date back to the nomadic period of Israel. Originally the New Moon was celebrated in the same way as the Sabbath; gradually it became less important, while the Sabbath became more and more a day of religion and humanity, of religious meditation and instruction, or peace and delight of the soul, and produced powerful and beneficent effects outside of Judaism.” (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, p.410 , “Holidays”)

And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
 and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Gen 1:14

The names of the seven days of the week originated in Babylon, referring to the  Sun, the Moon and the gods of five planets. In the very ancient cultures the days of the week were five or ten , in fact the subdivision of the week in seven days was adapted by the Greeks and Romans and, starting from the IV century, even by the Germanic peoples. Most of the languages ​​of Latin origin have taken the names of the days through Greek  and  Latin language. 

The original Roman year had 10 named months Martius "March", Aprilis "April", Maius "May", Junius "June", Quintilis "July", Sextilis "August", September "September", October "October", November "November", December "December", and probably two unnamed months in the dead of winter when not much happened in agriculture. The year began with Martius "March.

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping 
Saturn for thousands of years. The cult has never stopped 
and its rites are still present to this day. 

The Sabbath Planet Saturn

Hebrew Name: Shabbatai

Hebrew Meaning: The “Sabbatic” from the Hebrew meaning “to cease.”

Hebrew Theme: Cease, rest.

Saturn, with its huge rings, seven of them, was known in Talmudic Hebrew literature as 
a representation of the Shabbat (Sabbath). It earned this reputation because
of its prolonged orbit around the Sun.

The planetary body Saturn, in the Hebrew language called Shabbatai.

You might not know it, but the entire world has been worshiping Saturn for thousands 
of years. The cult has never stopped and its rites are still present to this day.

Saturn has deep ties with the occult and
 holds special importance, it also represents Lucifer. 

 In Hinduism Saturn/Chronos is also the god of time and Karma!

The Saturn cube is derived from the planet’s North Pole called the ‘6 pointed star.’ 
The cube is a 3-dimensional representation of the 2-dimensional hexagonal
 North Pole 6 pointed star.

Saturn occult symbolism is symbolised by a black cube. Without many people ever knowing its sinister origin it can be seen all over the world and is used in the entertainments industry, religions and corporate logos…. as the saying goes If you haven’t seen it then your eyes haven’t been opened. Heavily into the occult it has been said that the world’s ruling elite pay homage to and the worship of the Saturn cube.

The Saturn Moon Matrix!

Television is deeply connected to the matrix system and its mental programs. Frequencies are broadcasted via Saturn to satellites in orbit around Earth and then are beamed directly into our households via our television sets. Mainstream media is a massive peddler of belief systems. Television acts as a mind control device which alters your conscious state to be more susceptible to the lies they are propagating. Fear is another tactic used by the mainstream media to coerce people into different mental programs. It is not called television ‘‘programming’’ by mistake.

The New Age agenda was created by the theologian think tank known as Lucis Trust. The New Age belief system was an attempt to shift humanity into an astral timeline. Their goal was to boot up the positive matrix system time-line, the “wondrous” golden age. This positive time-line is still part of the energy harvesting matrix system. The negative time-line of the matrix is powered by the Moon. 

The Sabbath is actually the worship of the planet Saturn (Satan)!

If you “keep the Sabbath,” then you are carrying on the ancient worship of Cronus, 
a pagan god. He is worshiped on Saturn’s Day - 
which today we call “Saturday.”

Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holiday,
 or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come;
 but the body is of Christ. Colossians 2:16-17

Beware Of The Ditches False Shepherds Dig!

Thieves and Robbers!

Having a form of godliness (Torah) but denying the power of the Holy Spirit!

The devil's tongue is smooth
 and guides all ye misguided souls into the pit of hell.
 For he knows he has but a short time to rule. 

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